Educational resources

For each exhibition, the Mundaneum is committed to offering an enriching educational experience
through its carefully designed educational resources. Each exhibition at the Mundaneum is an
invitation to explore various themes and provide a different approach to subjects with a class or
group of young people. Our tools enable teachers and educators to stimulate curiosity, encourage
critical thinking, and promote interactive learning for participants.

Whether you are a teacher looking for resources to enhance your lessons, a student eager to
discover new horizons, or simply a knowledge enthusiast wanting to deepen your understanding of
the world, the educational resources of the Mundaneum are here to guide you.

Fakeimages – Unmask the dangers of stereotypes

The educational offer #Fakeimages

Machine to think the world

Discover our educational file on the permanent exhibition.

“On n’a que l’info qu’on se donne !” – We only have the information we give ourselves!

Find all our media education resources on our blog

Our available educational files:

  • Algorithms and filter bubbles
  • Conspiracy theories
  • Media & Citizens
  • Diversity in the media
  • Propaganda and Information (coming in 2024)

Tenez-vous au courant
de l'actualité du Mundaneum

Henri La Fontaine


Rue de Nimy, 76 - 7000 Mons, Belgium
Phone : (0032) 065 31 53 43
Email :

Practical information

Opening hours



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