By car
From the E19 or E42 motorways:
- Take the exit MONS-GHLIN
- Follow the signs toward the ‘Centre’ (not ‘Gare’, the station)
- As you get off the bridge and reach the traffic lights, take a left (Faculté UMons-Warocqué on your left).
- Take the small ring road on the right lane, and follow that road until you reach the traffic lights.
- Before the crossroads (Le Lido hotel – Place Régnier au Long Col) turn right, you are in the Rue de Nimy.
- The Mundaneum is a bit higher on the left (approximately 100 metres).
By public transportation and soft mobility
On arrival at the Mons Station: take the 15 or 16 bus, stop at the Place Régnier au Long Col and go up the Rue de Nimy. Then take Rue de Nimy. The Mundaneum is a bit higher on the left (approximately 100 metres).
Or take the city R shuttle whichs runs every 15 minutes on weekdays and every 20 minutes on Saturdays: Mons Delhaize stop (at the bottom of Rue de Nimy) and go up the street for about 100 meters, the Mundaneum is on the left.
The Mundaneum is situated 15 minutes’ walk from the station (direction Grand Place).
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Parking in Mons
Labelled “Welcome Bike” and “Bike Repair Kit Point – City of Mons”, the Mundaneum has
a bike parking (right in front of the museum space and within its inner courtyard), a repair kit
and a water fountain to fill your water bottle. Join us by bike!
Ravel et véloroutes en Wallonie